Woods Triplets
I can’t thank Liz & Brett from Netherby South Australia for their enthusiasm to include their gorgeous children (12 year old triplets) Annabelle, Sophie & Matilda and their younger daughter Poppy in Volume 4 of A World of Twins. From the moment I entered their beautiful home to the time I said my farewells at the gate I was mezmerised by their daughters natural beauty and moved by the family’s close bond. I adored Poppy she was amazing, bubbly, enthusiastic and eager to be a part of the photo session with her big sisters. Annabelle, Sophie & Matilda were all excited to be in a photo shoot and because of their enthusiasm to play and have fun I managed to get some awesome shots and it will be hard to choose the final 3 to feature in Volume 4....
Read MoreJade & Peta
Thank you Renee & Andrew for your warm welcome during my recent Adelaide Twins trip. It’s always lovely to be greeted with so much enthusiasm from the twins and both Jade and Peta did just that, not to mention their big sister Eliza-Jane, 9 years who was a tad excited too I might add!!! Your twins and family photo session was the first one during my Adelaide tour and what a memorable one at that it was, thank you. I always have a chuckle with myself when one or both of the parents are not keen to be in any of the photos and this instance it was Andrew. Renee warned me he doesn’t do the ‘photo thing’ and wouldn’t probably participate. That’s all good, we’ll see on the day. For some reason, gosh I don’t know why, some...
Read MoreAlexia & Jonathan
Another memorable twins encounter…. happened today when I met Denisse and her gorgeous 4 year old fraternal twins Alexia Georgina and Jonathan Enrique in their family home in Maroubra NSW (Wed 12 March 2014). Alexia was up and about and eager to meet me whilst little Jonathan was resting on the couch a little reluctant to surface to meet me. A little nervous at the start however towards the end of the photo session they were running around outside having a ball. Playing tug-a-war games with the hool-a-hoop, riding their scooters and , running races. We even got to let their pet turtle ‘Chanchito’ (which I was told means little pig…as he eats so much) out who showed us he’s definitely no slow coach when he’s on the go…boy o boy could he run! Love this image of them with...
Read MoreAlexandra & Isabel
I was so excited when Debbie contacted me to book her gorgeous 22 month old fraternal twins Alexandra and Isabel in again for another photo session. They will both feature again in another volume of ‘A World of Twins’ book series. These two little angels melted my heart when I first met them in June 2013, they were just so adorable. We did their photo session in the family home which worked the best for their age at the time (13 months). I really love this image of them in their cots, simply priceless. This is one of their featured images published in Volume 3. 7 March 2014 – You can imagine my excitement to be able to visit again and to see how much they have grown. This time Debbie’s husband was home so we managed to also...
Read MoreJaxxon and Bethany
Another great photo shoot at the Edwards Family home in Noble Park, Melbourne on Wednesday 5 September 2012. I was greeted at the door by the whole family, tribe of very excited children, Twins Jaxxon and Bethany, big sisgers Siannan and Ashleigh and big brother Oliver and of course the proud parents Sherri and Peter. Sherri and Peter had organised with their neighbour to use their back yard for the photo shoot, so a ‘big THANK YOU’ to their neighbour for allowing us to use your garden, it makes such a difference with the overall photo shoot and I fell in love with the old rustic bike and kids schooter and trikes. Jaxxon and Bethany will also feature in the 2nd edition of A World of Twins, Australia . A black and white photography study that explores the special...
Read MoreGrace and Aidan
Thursday 8 September – another fun filled photo session with 6 year old fraternal twins, Grace and Aidan of Karabar, NSW. Aidan and Grace will feature in the 2nd edition of ‘A World of Twins’, a black and white photography showcasing some images and personal stories from sets of twins around Australia! Best thing about being a twin – Aidan ‘sharing’, Grace ‘helping’, Special Moments – Playing together and birthdays THANK YOU Amanda, Grace and Aidan for inviting me into your home and allowing me to capture some special moments for you of your lovely family. Can’t wait to see Grace and Aidan and Grace in the next edition of ‘A World of Twins’. Anyone wishing to be included in the 2nd edition, can register your interest here. GD Star...
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